April 2018

Winter just doesn't want to yield to better weather, it seems. It's a little tiring.  I meant to get out to see live music both Friday and Saturday (it's Sunday, 4-8 as I write this), but did not because I would rather get housecleaning and other stuff done instead of trek out again with all these layers.  

Music is becoming electric, again.  I have been disinterested in it a while, but the fervor is returning (thank God).  I am feeling good lately, while working on keeping myself in a positive state of mind.

What has helped preserve this good mood are the two sexual encounters over the last few weeks. One woman was so beautiful. I believe both were satisfied since I was really, really into it and stayed aroused for a long while.  Pretty sure my neighbors knew that, too, hearing the one around midnight getting it like no tomorrow.

Now I've descended into the gutter once more.  Sorry, but getting laid really does help me. It's not an addiction (please, these were the first two times since 2016), but just does wonders for my psyche, as it may for a lot of men.  

"Illusion" is #1 again.  What a great song.  It has such a sense of dread. The composition is great, starting with the one female's voice, then the other named Donny (a female) comes in, the pacing speeds up a beat (I think), then eventually, the distorted guitar rhythm lets it all spill out.  Nice.

The new song from Shin Guard is weird but listenable, unlike a lot of songs that are really poetic recitals.  I am always so preoccupied with work and stuff that I can't remember how I first hear about these unknown/indie/local bands!  Sounds like a group of young men, based on other songs of theirs I've sampled. I think their songs are good...there may be another song charting from them.

Anyway, I might go down to Philadelphia to see Dinosoul in a few weeks.  The venue is actually some distance north, in what looks like a well-to-do village type suburban area.  It might be cool to make a tiny vacation out of it.  

Ten years ago (wow), Chevelle was #1.  They had an excellent string of radio hits.  I know little of them beyond those hits. Aren't there two brothers in that band?  I hope they haven't dissolved.  

I am trying to repair myself. I hope to be a less ugly person, be more compassionate, and less judgmental.  Trust me, I'm not a total #@$%.  I have ethics, and morality, and my faults that I want to deal with most people probably don't worry about. 

That's about all for now.  I like the Top 5 this month. Good songs, different styles, too.

April 2018

1. "Illusion", by Dinosoul 1, 1, 4

2. "Sultan's Curse", by Mastodon 3, 2, 3

3. "Heavy Dirty Soul", by Twenty One Pilots 4, 3, 3

4. "You Turned Everything to Paper", by Shin Guard -, 4, 1

5. "Dimension", by Dinosoul 2, 1, 5

April 2017

1. " Phantom Bride", by Deftones 1, 1, 2

2. "Don't Let Me Down", by Chainsmokers featuring Daya 2, 1, 6

3. "Moth Into Flame", by Metallica -, 3, 1

4. "Mountain at My Gates", by Foals 3, 2, 4 

5. "Feel Alive", by Red-Sided Garter Snakes -, 5, 1

April 2008

1. "I Get It", by Chevelle
2. "Once Beautiful", by Last Dance
3. "Because of You", by Battery Cage
4. "Sin", by Star Industry
5. "Empty Walls", by Serge Tankin


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May 2018