Well, just like October of 2015, I am very late posting for this month.

Been busy, as usual.  Again....thank God graduate school is done, because all this stuff keeping me busy now are things that are PLEASURABLE, low stress, and FUN....

I do like my field of study, but it is a challenge.  I remain on vacation from it, until after Thanksgiving, at which time I will try to network, keep up with the industry, and who knows - maybe connect with a great employment opportunity.

I love the autumn.   The cooler weather is a nice break.  I have fallen out of workout mode, and feel like a lump on a log.  But I AM spending time working on guitar and the arts, basically.  I hope to see maybe one play every 5-6 weeks, and take cues on acting.  

Acting class chugs along - started a few weeks ago.  I have mixed feelings on it - it is something like 15 weeks long, and expensive.  Thus far, I question on the length of it (FIFTEEN WEEKS!?!) and whether the instructor's method is helping me (or others) improve at acting.  It's been mostly the instructor talking...and talking...and talking...Said instructor is not boring, exactly - not at all!  But that is too much for people who work during the day to sit and be spoken to for a lengthy amount of time.
I am over-analyzing it now....I enjoy the class, but I need to move forward, and get results...in everything I do.

Last year at this time I bitched up a storm about work.  It's gotten better - and I've learned to be more assertive without getting angry.  I always expected reason to reign - and we know how fleeting that expectation can be!  So I decided to become more of a pain in the a$$, without TRYING to be, of course.  It's working.  I feel empowered - I get things done when they involve other people, and I am more confident in expressing my knowledge, either from a technical aspect or a management aspect.

Guitar is progressing - I somehow got into a FREE 4 week guitar class.  This is great - the first week I already improved my strumming and even how I hold the damn pick!  Chances are, the class instructor will mostly cover stuff I know, but it's worth going to.

Not much change in the Top 5.  I have not put a lot of effort in current music - I have been listening to back catalogs of Deep Purple (meh) and Black Sabbath (they kicked ass!).  So anyway, here we go....

Ten years ago (wow, really???) "Talk" from Coldplay was #1.  Make fun of it if you want, but at the time, that was actually fresh sounding!  Yes, it was.  In 2016, it might be a big hit, but surrounded by an ocean of likewise whimsical, "easy" music.  This is not an insult.  It IS a reflection of the current times, though - people are generally happy, enjoying life.  There is a general positive attitude out there, despite what is (over) magnified in the media.  People are healthier, driving less, enjoying cheap gasoline and a lot of instant gratification from media (netflix, amazon, etc.).

So yep, you've come here for a what you thought was a stupid blog - and look at the insight you get!   And FOR FREE!

Right now I'm listening to "N.I.B."  by Black Sabbath.  This is just...a damn good song.

See you in a couple weeks for November's Top 5 and insight into my boring, anonymous life!    Ciao, baby, ciao.


1. "Shock Me", by Baroness 1, 1, 5

2. "Also Am I", by 36 Crazyfists 2, 2, 3

3. "Once More 'Round the Sun", by Mastodon 4, 3, 2

4. "Cirice", by Ghost 3, 1, 6

5. "Ember City", by Mastodon  5, 3, 4


1. "Wildfire", by Borgeous 2, 1, 3
2. "The Garden and the Liddle Girl", by Kaley Victoria Rose 1, 1, 4
3. "Take Out the Gunman", by Chevelle 5. 3, 2
4. "Halloween", by Mastodon 4, 4, 2
5. "Aunt Lisa" by Mastodon 3, 1, 6


1. "Talk", by Coldplay
2. "Hate Me", by Blue October
3. "Animal that I Have Become", by Three Days Grace
4. "Wings of a Butterfly", by H-I-M
5. "De La Soul", by Gorillaz


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