September 2016

OK, one week into the month, and I'm posting for my throngs of afficionados.  Not bad - normally I'm 2 weeks late, or longer.

Love the autumn. Well, it has its plus and minuses.  Big minus - the university people come back.  I live in a great American city with a huge university presence - and they pretty much dominate the better parts of this city.  

And they are usually fucking stupid in public spaces - driving, on the bus, anywhere.  Look, I was dumb too at that age.  I did not think ahead, I felt like it was my right to be afforded an explanation for everything, and to be catered to....I might be hard on myself and maybe I was not THAT bad.  Even at that age, I had an excellent work ethic learned from my parents.  But, yea, I was at times a dick.  

But an independent thinker, at least.  I was never a herd follower, and usually was alone most of the time.  Fine by me!

I am not an angry old man.  It's just that when you are a vast minority, you know, you tend to get irritated by what you are not part of.

But it's fine - I do not begrudge the schools and the college students.

Speaking of which.....Yes, my love, free of the grad school bondage.  I am seeing shows, trying out for acting roles, going to an exercise class (that is kicking my butt), took a trip out to see friends in another city, went to an amusement park, and, well, putting up with the shit at work.

All that excitement, only to be punctuated  It is what it is...c'e' le vie.  (Sorry if I butchered the French spelling.)

Strangely, I have not pursued any "liasons".  I might try soon, in October, once the oppressive humidity ends. The frigid winter and the hellacious summer both kill libido, don't they?  

Mastodon is not done yet...the title track to their excellent album has scored in the Top 5!  I lost count of the Top 5 songs that have come from "Once More 'Round the Sun".  Hard to believe this great song didn't get in sooner - but hey, this is not an exact science, but instead just some loser who finds value in charting music....haha.

Baroness at #1.  Great song.

Not much else that is interesting regarding these charts for this month. But Mastodon - what an incredible run.  Over 18 months of presence in the Top 5, and they might stretch it to two years if they can hold on until next year, which isn't far away!



1. "Shock Me", by Baroness 2, 1, 4

2. "Also Am I", by 36 Crazyfists 4, 2, 2

3. "Cirice", by Ghost 1, 1, 5

4. "Once More 'Round the Sun", by Mastodon -, 4, 1

5. "Ember City", by Mastodon 3, 3, 3


1. "The Garden and the Liddle Girl", by Kaley Victoria Rose 2, 1, 3
2. "Wildfire", by Borgeous 4, 2, 2
3. "Aunt Lisa" by Mastodon 1, 1, 5
4. "Halloween", by Mastodon -, 4, 1
5. "Take Out the Gunman", by Chevelle -. 5. 1


1. "Talk", by Coldplay
2. "Hate Me", by Blue October
3. "Wings of a Butterfly", by H-I-M
4. "De La Soul", by Gorillaz
5. "Best of You", by Foo Fighters


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