JULY 2016

Can't be any more of a procrastinator, as August is just days away.

I did not receive my diploma in the mail, but the final grade is in, and I actually did pretty well - a B-. At one point in the semester I was expecting to finish with a D!   

So to acquire a B- grade in that fucking abysmally difficult class?  AWESOME! YAY ME!

I have been working hard (at work), but also finally getting out to enjoy things like bowling and such.  Well, I haven't yet picked up the guitar to learn (or RElearn) stuff, but that is coming soon.

I have been actually so happy for a while now.  I have often mentioned in this stupid blog about my bouts with periodic depression and all that.   Moreso, it's sadness, and not really depression anymore.  I attribute that to my own self-education about depression and anxiety, and my motives to deal with it.

All with no drugs...counseling I might have been able to use, but any psych drugs? Nope.  Not that I'm a scientologist or anything.

Ghost is still at #1.  That song has run its course with me.  I am tired of it - but it might stick at #1 for August based on its strength.  

The song from Baroness is one I've enjoyed for months.  It just got stalled in a plethora of other very good hard rock/metal songs!   That is the only song I know from them.  I heard it on the Music Choice channel.   

And yet ANOTHER from the excellent "Once More 'Round the Sun" album.  Mastodon has another Top 5 entry with "Ember City".  I read over a year ago that this is about the sister of drummer/vocalist Brann Dailor (three members in this band actually sing).  She left this earth at an early age - 14 or so, by her own hand.   The lyrics go:  

                                                    You wandered and lost the way
                                                    Someone's always left behind
                                                    When the door of life closes
                                                    And you were slipping away
                                                   What do I say to you?
                                                   What do I say to you?

Wow, that is sad.  But what an album that is.  I just wish I had found out about Mastodon earlier.  I do remember "Curl of the Burl" as a radio hit a few years ago - it was OK, but not even the best song on THAT album, "The Hunter".   I really love this band and even their older stuff - which is harder, and chaotic.

Good for Steve Kilbey!  The Church is going on nine months in this Top 5, all from a single song.  Similarly, "Best of You" was on its ninth month way back in July 2006.  Can The Church hold on one more week?  I'm not even sure what the record is for most months of appearances.

Anyone know?  Anyone.....  haha
Blue October is actually making the rounds touring, I think I heard.  Remember that hit of theirs?  I am listening to it now.  It's an indulgent, moody song that can get one to reflect and to want to be alone with their vulnerabilities.  It's making me tear up a little, in fact.  What a nice song, but sad near the end....I guess it's about some kid who was an addict.  
 Here is the video I found for it.  The overdubbing (the mom, and those bad teen age girl singers!) and the instrumental at the end really make this something more than a novelty song:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIU7Eabredw
Gee...now that just brought out a lot of...something out of me.  I am actually very despondent now.  I really do not know what this is about.  Why does this song do this to me - and now changed my mood in the matter of one fucking minute?
I can't take this.  When does it end, and how are happy people happy? Or become happy...? I know, I'm a melodramatic loser.  Over 40 and crushed by...a song.  A recording.  
I don't know either. 

JULY 2016

1. "Cirice", by Ghost 1, 1, 3

2. "Shock Me", by Baroness -, 2, 1

3. "Ember City", by Mastodon -, 3, 1

4. "Vanishing Man", by The Church 3, 1, 9

5. "Tread Lightly", by Mastodon 2,1, 6

JULY 2015

1. "The Motherload", by Mastodon
2. "Aunt Lisa" by Mastodon
3. "Habits (Chainsmokers Remix)", by Tove Lo
4. "The Garden and the Liddle Girl", by Kaley Victoria Rose
5. "1000 HP", by Godsmack 

JULY 2006

1. "Talk", by Coldplay
2"Wings of a Butterfly", by H-I-M
3. "De La Soul", by Gorillaz
4. "Hate Me", by Blue October
5. "Best of You", by Foo Fighters


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