Well, this month, I am on time, for once.  (warning - there may be objectionable language below)...

Christmas just sucks. I can't stand a sibling of mine, who just wrecks the joy with his pompous attitude. We are middle aged, mind you - but he has been this way his whole life. Can you imagine being yelled at by someone who is irritated at something you said, that they do not agree with?
If this were the way he was, fine...but it's NOT - he is just like that to his family, but probably very nice to everyone else.  I guess he is really a total pussy.

What - is this guy in elementary school?  Because that is what he sounds like - and everyone let's him get away with it.  It's basically bullying - and it's disarming, and embarrassing.  I want to tell him to fuck off, and that he is a ridiculous asshole who acts this way because he feels we are all weaker than he, but can't be this way towards others.  

I really hate people like this - I mean, you know some NFL players known for their arrogance and ego?  Well, they are like that all of the time - they were conditioned to be that way because of praise they've received for so long.  That I can forgive, actually.  I don't have to like them, but the fact is you know what you are dealing with.  

The sibling in question, though, I suspect is NOT like that all of the time - again, only with those he feels safe enough to snap at, insult, and condescend to without repercussions. THAT is a pussy who should have his ass kicked. 

I'm done with Christmas if he is there from now on.  So, "no one will miss you", you might say?  That is fine - I only care about mom and dad, anyway.  So they won't have me over for Christmas - I think they wouldn't like that, but they'd understand.  They don't say anything to this asshole because they want to just be loved by the grandkids.

OK, so fuck Christmas - I respect its spiritual and religious meanings, and I actually will go to church that day (and what do you know, the roof did not cave in on me), but as far as family celebratory bullshit, I'm done. I can see mom and dad all year, and I am good to them in their final years of life.  

In 2016, I swore - either start with music to build some competence and experience, or get rid of the guitar, the bass, the acoustic guitar, and a pile of  sheet music.  So we will see how it goes.
The only really good song from The Church's last album is #1!  Ah, The Church - a band I was excited to see for the first time since 2004 (ish)....it was awful.  Bad sound, bad song collection (per my desires), and a boring crowd.   "Vanishing Man" is a great song, though - just a nicely woven melody with intermingling vocals + background vocals...you have to hear it to know what I mean.
Ten years ago, Disturbed was at #1. "Stricken" is a good song, from their third album.  I have had their first two albums for years, and like them both a great deal, but for some reason haven't given them a listen in so long.  Lately, I've been listening to their back catalog.  Their third and fourth albums are just boring to me - but I will listen to #3 ("Ten Thousand Fists", which has "Stricken" again - it might not be so bad).  I haven't yet heard the two most recent - "Asylum" and "Immortalized". 

I always loved "An Honest Mistake" by the Bravery. I recently listened to THAT album (finally, after like ten years!) and find it pretty dull.  Sorry, I just was not moved by it, except for the hit.

Well, I welcome 2016.  I will  be done with graduate school finally, and I hope after that to get a small second job, and to work on my social life.   


1. "Vanishing Man", by The Church 4, 1, 3

2. "Wildfire", by Borgeous 1, 1, 6

3. "Come a Little Closer", by Cage the Elephant 5, 3, 2

4. "Halloween", by Mastodon 3, 3, 6

5. "Take Out the Gunman", by Chevelle 2, 2, 5


1. "Top Notch", by Manchester Orchestra
2. "Habits (Chainsmokers Remix)", by Tove Lo
3. "Splice", by Rare Monk
4. "Afraid", by the Neighbourhood
2. "Let You Go", by Monica Richards


1. "Stricken", by Disturbed
2. "Best of You", by Foo Fighters
3. "An Honest Mistake", by The Bravery
4. "Feel Good Inc.", by Gorillas
5. "Remedy", by Seether
4. Speed of Sound", by Coldplay


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