Happy November.  As usual, I am up and down with my mood and attitude.

I welcome death.
I am loving life.
I want to be happy.
Leave me the f* alone because I want to be alone...permanently.

It's this way. It will always be this way. I want to cry - I am crazy, yet not crazy.

Maybe I have some form of adult autism, the way Jerry Seinfeld recently described himself in an interview I saw on NBC news.

The song by Monica Richards finally broke through, after being on my playlist for so long.  It's had stiff competition.  It's an amazing song. It sort of reminds me of Peter Murphy's later 80s song "Cuts You Up".  So beautiful, but so sad.  It almost makes me cry - no, I'm actually slightly crying now.

So much angst and anxiety.

Anyway, I suppose this will be the last I ever hear of Monica Richards. It's just one of those things.  Great song, though - absolutely beautiful.

Huh, I barely even remember "Last Train Home" by Lost Prophets.  It lasted just one week on my Top 5.  I looked up that band just now and learned that the lead singer just got sentenced to 35 years in Wales for pedophilia.



I never discuss all that, myself having been victimized sexually as a kid.

Is that why I actually obsess about and love my little world of charts, and music?  It is my own world. I don't go to live shows (maybe 10 in my whole life). I WANT to, though, and after school's over (a year from now, hopefully), I want to get into music - I mean PLAYING IN  A BAND, and being decent at it.

A year ago, Geoff Tate's Queensryche broke through with a good song!  I liked the album MORE than the 'official' Queensryche's.

I am very busy with school, but catching up finally (I've been behind since September!).

Having said that, I must depart now, offering so little this month but for ramblings and discourse so shallow in meaningful content.  Here's where lonely guys like me would post a picture of their dog or favorite baseball player, or penis or something.  My loyal followers (zero and counting - and that is perfectly fine) will get none of those!


1. "Top Notch", by Manchester Orchestra 1, 1, 4
2. "Splice", by Rare Monk 2, 2, 4
3. "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here", by Alice in Chains 4,3,2
4. "Let You Go", by Monica Richards -, 4, 1
5. "Maldita Historia", by De La Tierra 3,3,2


1. "Aunt Betty", by Middle Class Rut 1, 1, 4
2. "All I Wanna Do", by Splashh -3,2,2
3."Fall In", by Cloud Nothings 5,3,2
4. "Cold", by Geoff Tate's Queensryche -,5,1
5. "Glass Mountain", by Radiana 2,1,6


1. "Cold", by Crossfade
2. "Cold Heart Bitch", by Jett
3. "Meant to Live", by Switchfoot
4. "Last Train Home", by Lost Prophets
2. "I Hate Everything About You", by Three Days Grace


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