Autumn descends on us. The nights are chilly.  I love this time of year.  I generally do not like winter, but do like autumn and in more recent years, summer.  Spring is tough because its generally rainy, humid, and how do you dress comfortably in those months?   It's cold in the morning and much warmer in the mid-day and afternoon.

Yea, that's very interesting - my talking about the weather.

I am listening to a posting at The Demoniacal, a website that collects and blogs daily different videos and articles on the paranormal, UFOs, and the like.  The current entry is a podcast where Bob Cranmer is interviewed.  He was a former county commissioner in Pennsylvania, and recently released a book about his family's haunting.  Listening to the guy is startling - he firmly believes this and explains the situations so matter of factly. 

Maybe I should mention things in the world that are greater than my stupid little world and my problems.  That way, a few years from now, when/if I review these entries (cuz no one else sees them), it would be neat to read on things that might have seemed BIG at the time, but became nothing. Like the who debacle in the Ukraine, and the Russians being jerks, and ISIS and all that.

But I'm too lazy.  I just don't think this will become World War III - we hope. This time around, with the Unites States committing to targeting ISIS (with little or no help from the allies, as usual), maybe the Russians will meddle in this and take an opportunity to do us harm in the chaos of battle.

I hope my unfounded theories only remain theories.

"Top Notch" really reminds me about "Aunt Betty" by Middle Class Rut. Both are simple, musically, and the vocalists for each band have an odd way of singing.  I love both songs - "Aunt Betty" was a big hit on the Top 5.  They are about mid-tempo, yet heavy and slogging - with vocals that sound desperate and frustrated.  I love how the finished product sounds!

"Splice" is just a weird, beautiful song.

This Top 5 is just great - a metal song, whatever you call Manchester Orchestra ('alternative' is probably a dated term, but 15 years ago, they would have nicely fit into that label).  "Wishful", like I said maybe last month, is so 80s - whimsical.

Last year, Bush's "The Sound of Winter" was a hit. Just a great track that is nothing experimental or anything - simply an enjoyable song with a great bridge: "Let's walk through the fire together...." and that morose, moving chorus:  " got to hang on to yourself..."

Well, that is how *I* like it - someone else might think something else about it.  Basically, everything I like, no one else has ever heard of.  Currently, a popular song is "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea (or some name similar to that).   I hate it and think it's totally devoid of any elements that make me like a song.  My Top 5 each month is not always but often containing of songs from different genres.  They speak to me, most of the time - they hit me and evoke a memory, or activate a comfort synapse in my brain.

I can't explain why I like a song and not another from the same genre.   Like, "Diamonds" by Rihanna was a big hit in the Top 5 last year.  But I can't stand her at all, from what I heard.  Yet "Diamonds" just caught my attention and captivated my heart.  I don't know....

Ten years??? "Cold" by Crossfade was the most played song in 2004. I LOVED that song (listening to it now! and singing, too....GETS ME....HIIIIIIIIIGH).  You know, I just can't get this fucking computer LOUDER!   What a great, whiny 3 minutes. 

I remember well "Good Boys", by Blondie.  (Well, I have the album. I can't stand them now for the most part, but they will always be my favorite band of all time. Never mind that now, since I am mad at them for various reasons - not that its the once great Blondie of their heyday).  That is a good dance song. A cool video, too. 

Sheez....ten years.  I'm getting old. OK, I always loved the idea of being able to type shit and be anonymous.  I will retain anonymity, but here are details - I'm fucking 46 years old.  Yes, the person blogging for something like two years now about being sad, lonely, middle aged. 

Suddenly my mystique is gone. It's cool to be young, desperate....but an older person? That is so unattractive, so unbecoming.  HAHA.    I am gay, too.  I like guys, sorry, I did not choose that.

What the hell am I doing?  Good night.

"I never meant to be so cold....."


1. "Top Notch", by Manchester Orchestra 4, 1, 2
2. "Splice", by Rare Monk 5, 2, 2
3. "Hurricane", by MS MR 2, 1, 4
4. "Meltdown", by Love and Death 1, 1, 4
5. "Wishful", by Stars 3,3,3


1. "In the Fog, Part I/II/III", by Tim Hecker 1, 1, 4
2. "End to the Lies", by Jane's Addiction 2, 1, 6
3. "Le Bleu", by Blondie 4, 2, 3
4. "Somebody That I Used to Know", by Goyte 3, 3, 4
5. "The Sound of Winter", by Bush 5, 1, 8


1. "Cold", by Crossfade
2. "I Hate Everything About You", by Three Days Grace
3. "Gasoline", by Seether
4. "Meant to Live", by Switchfoot
5. "Good Boys", by Blondie


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