The summer cometh to a close.  It was, well, interesting. I hope to break away for a week in September for vacation. It turns out I have a part in an independent movie (nothing groundbreaking - a 10-minute film) that will require travel a few hours away.  So it's not a 'true' vacation, but still, I will rent a car for the week and I'm guessing will be able to see places in the evening, if/when shooting is done for the day.

Things are going OK upstairs in my head. I feel good - I am being very proactive in advancing my guitar skills. The thing is continuing for MONTHS AND MONTHS to really get some impressive aptitude - impressive for MY standards!  I will never be great at guitar.  But I want to create songs, SAY something in them, and write and play music some people will love.

Chocolate + peanut butter is just the most evil concoction - can anyone eat ONE Reese's Peanut Butter cup? They are amazingly delicious!

That is all....

Music....I am really digging "Aunt Betty"!  That catchy song by Radiana sneaks up to #1, but for how long? Radiana's vocalist is a woman who I know from a gothic rock compilation from years ago. The band in question on that compilation was named Mors Siphilatica (or something similar), and I loved their song "My Virgin Widows", a very creepy and sad song with eerie and beautiful vocals.  Well, the owner of that voice is in Radiana now.

Yes, at this time last year I was heavily into "In the Fog", that perfectly constructed ambient piece. Was it already a year?  It's crazy how time flies!

I want to return to spirituality. That might be difficult, since, well, I'm practically agnostic, but I've neglected my religion and any spiritual practice (like praying). OF COURSE someone may drift towards atheism or indifference - you have to nourish and reinforce a relationship with the powers that be. That's just how it is for humans who are beneath higher realms....of course I say all this assuming, HOPING there is 'something more'!

Have a good rest of the summer!


1. "Glass Mountain", by Radiana 2,1,3
2. "Aunt Betty", by Middle Class Rut -, 2, 1
3. "Can't Get Better Than This", by Parachute Youth 1, 1, 7
4. "Mountain Sound", by Of Monsters and Men 5, 4, 2
5. "Live to Rise", by Soundgarden 3, 3, 4


1. "In the Fog, Part I/II/III", by Tim Hecker 2, 1, 3
2. "End to the Lies", by Jane's Addiction 1, 1, 5
3. "Somebody That I Used to Know", by Goyte 3, 3, 3
4. "Le Bleu", by Blondie 5, 4, 2
5. "The Sound of Winter", by Bush 4, 1, 7


1. "Straight out of Line", by Godsmack
2. "Like a Stone", by Audioslave
3. "Bring me to Life", by Evanescence
4. "You Know You're Right", by Nirvana
5. "Stillborn", by Black Label Sociey


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