APRIL 2013

Well, 2013 bumps along.  If I were a reader of my blog, I probably would have stopped following a long time ago. It's the same old thing with me - chronic lonliness, sadness....I just don't understand the world. Often I'm not good with people.  I've developed anxiety - not to a crippling degree, but where I have to THINK about anything I say, hoping to not regret what I say, or to sound stupid.

All in all, things are going well, though. This semester is almost done, and I thought I was doomed for a C or D, but I think an A is still possible (I'll take a B and be happy).

I miss guitar. I was really into it for a few months, having decided I will (finally) make it a priority and whatnot.  It just never became a daily thing. Since the new year, I may have played it once or twice. I still haven't given up the dream of becoming a good guitarist, in a band that does song I've written, that kicks ass but is still an intelligent band.

OK, on to over-analyzing the music!
I had heard of Rihanna but never thought anything of her, and had no desire for any reason to hear her music. But, I was taken with "Diamonds" the first time I heard it. It has a few hooks here and there that make it dramatic - like the lyrics "I choose to be happy", and the bridge: "At first sight I felt the energy...."  It's not a great song on its own, but it is as the sum of its parts. I don't know how else to explain my love for this song. I gave her other stuff a whirl on youtube, but there was nothing else I liked - NOTHING.  "Diamonds" is just beautiful.

"You're a shooting star I see/a vision of ecstasy/when you hold me/ I feel alive...."  or something like that.  The violins help it be more dramatic.

The song by Parachute Youth is quite old (late 2011, I think).  But I figure in the real world, it might have a long, slow ascent in popularity, so it making my youtube playlist about a year after its release is acceptable to the muses! It's a catchy song that was on my playlist for months, and finally broke the Top 5 - that is because of the slow movement in rankings through late 2012 and early this year.

Well, well, well, if it isn't BLONDIE! Another Top 5 song from the "Panic of Girls" era, although "Bride" isn't on the American version of the CD!  Bastards!  If I didn't find this song on their website, I would have no idea it existed. It's an excellent product of the younger forces in the band. I was very critical of them over the years, thinking they really don't put much originality into the Debbie's, Clem's, and Chris's band.  But "Panic" is better, and redeeming (almost). And "Bride of Infinity" just kicks ass - it has an eastern quality to it (elements of which you might pick up in a lot of their stuff from the last 2 CDs), along with some Black Sabbath-type guitar.  I might be wrong, but I think this is the FOURTH Top 5 hit for Blondie from the last releases.

It was a year ago "End to the Lies" entered the chart. This past CD is worthy of accolades, and I have been enjoying the singles from it.

Actually, for a middle-aged guy like me, it's been great lately. Here are bands that have released albums within the last 7 months:  Smashing Pumpkins, Silversun Pickups, Alice in Chains, Jane's Addiction, and Soundgarden.  It gives me hope that people will still enjoy rock music when I get to a certain point and usher in its latest revolution!!!!!

Speaking of which, it was 10 years ago when I really like "You May be Right", by Nirvana, that great song with the weird tuning.  It hits me deep, actually, since you can read into Kurt Cobain's frustration with his wife: "Nothing ever bothers her/she just wants to love herself".  OK, not that he was a saint, being a heroin-addict must make you hard to live with (well, Courtney was on it too, as she's admitted). But I think his demons may have been tamed with little Frances coming into his troubled, angry life. It made him look at things so differently (as he'd stated).  I could go on, what with I read last year about the whole 'who killed Kurt' school of thought and theories.....I loved the 90s, and the messy hair and sloppy appearance of musicians who brought back sneering irreverance. The music was amazing, too, from Nirvana to Stabbing Westward....

Here is the monthly Top 5:

APRIL 2013

1. "Diamonds", by Rihanna 3, 1, 2

2. "Underground", by Jane's Addiction 1, 1, 3

3. "Can't Get Better Than This", by Parachute Youth 5, 3, 3

4. "Bride of Infinity", by Blondie -, 4, 1

5. "Irresistible Force", by Jane's Addiction 4, 1, 7

APRIL 2012

1. "At the Edge", by Queensryche 1, 1, 5
2. "Midnight City", by M83 2, 1, 4
3. "The Sound of Winter", by Bush 3, 3, 3
4. "Open the Door", by Implodes 4, 1, 6
5. "End to the Lies", by Jane's Addiction -, 5, 1

APRIL 2003

1. "You May Be Right", by Nirvana
2. "Prayer", by Disturbed
3. "Poem", by Taproot
4."Thoughtless", by Korn
5. "Pitiful", by Blindside


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