APRIL 2010

Well, April is here. I can see the overcast on my spirits recede. Maybe actually seeing the sun has something to do with it. Warmer weather, all of that.

Keeping busy helps. I have been incredibly busy with 3 jobs and doing some acting on the side as well.

Now for my picky comments...! I had to look up the Metallica song. I honestly didn't remember it, and now I know why. Metallica is great, but that particular song wasn't that memorable - not bad, but not a killer song. It didn't last long, as I peeked ahead on what I recorded a decade ago!

Alice in Chains hits #1! It has some strong competition, though, from Alberta Cross' song, and Chevelle's new single, which probably will storm my top 5 next month! But the very nice and almost mellow "It's Your Decision" breaks in. It's a thought-provoking song. Ah, nice to have AIC back.

I raved about the Silversun Pickups last June or July - there are even a few more songs from their most recent album that are great, and not "worn out" to me. I'm not sure they'll make the top 5, though. What a great album "Swoon" is.

Life is great - so much great music. I heard a song from Slash's new album, and I thought it was very good. New Godsmack, Alice in Chains...this will (is?) a great year for music. The last few have been, actually. You know those people who lament on youtube with a whiny comment like "they dont have bands like this anymore", or "music today sucks"? Well, those people should be blindfolded and left to wander an interstate during Thanksgiving rush.

Top 5, for April, 2010:

APRIL 2010

1. "Private Hell" by Alice in Chains 2, 1, 4

2. "ATX", by Alberta Cross 3, 2, 2

3. "Jars", by Chevelle 1, 1, 5

4. "Sort Of" by Silversun Pickups 4, 4, 3

5. "It's Your Decision", by Alice in Chains -, 5, 1

APRIL 2009
1. "The Hungry Ghost", by The Cure
2. "Disconnected", by In Flames
3. "Pocketful of Sunshine", by Natasha Bedenfield
4. "The Day that Never Comes", by Metallica
5. "Believe in Me", by Staind

APRIL 2000
1. "Voodoo", by Godsmack
2. "Pardon Me", by Incubus
3. "Moon Baby", by Godsmack
4. "One Man Army", by Our Lady Peace
5. "The Other Side", by Red Hot Chili Peppers

APRIL 1997


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