
Showing posts from July, 2016

JULY 2016

Can't be any more of a procrastinator, as August is just days away. I did not receive my diploma in the mail, but the final grade is in, and I actually did pretty well - a B-. At one point in the semester I was expecting to finish with a D!    So to acquire a B- grade in that fucking abysmally difficult class?  AWESOME! YAY ME! I have been working hard (at work), but also finally getting out to enjoy things like bowling and such.  Well, I haven't yet picked up the guitar to learn (or RElearn) stuff, but that is coming soon. I have been actually so happy for a while now.  I have often mentioned in this stupid blog about my bouts with periodic depression and all that.   Moreso, it's sadness, and not really depression anymore.  I attribute that to my own self-education about depression and anxiety, and my motives to deal with it. All with no drugs...counseling I might have been able to use, but any psych drugs? Nope.  Not that ...