JUNE 2015

I am really enjoying the summer thus far!  I love riding the bicycle, sometimes going 30 miles or more on a ride, or tackling some big hills here in the city.

I got an A in the winter class, and started the condensed, fast moving summer class. It shouldn't be too much of a problem.   Just this one and two more....!

But I know really I am empty inside. I have no friends, no significant other.  It's hopeless.

I haven't changed much over the last 20 years. The same things that bothered me then bother me now. Of course there are differences - and changes for the better, I would like to think.  But I still have the same faults, make the same mistakes when it comes to people, and still have the same anxieties about socializing and being the center of attention.

That's all I care to say now. I care about those things, but DON'T care, at the same time.

Mastodon is dominating the chart this month! Next month, they may strike with another single from the very good album of theirs, have 3 of the 5!  I saw them live a few weeks back, and I loved the show.

Tove Lo is holding on!  What surprises me is Godsmack - I did state I like the new album, but the songs just aren't strong, in light of all the other great music I am exposed to and listening to lately!  If I charted albums, it would be at the top, or #2, probably.  It's not dead yet, though, and may chart a couple songs.  That would be LONG after my getting the CD, though - more than 7 months.

I am planning on seeing these upcoming shows:

Jane's Addiction, in July!
The Church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  in August
Godsmack - either in Baltimore, or in Wisconsin, with other bands on different music fests, both of which are in September.

I am mad at Godsmack for not coming to my town - it might not be their doing at all, though. Who decides where a band's tour goes?

I am working in some guitar time slowly, and would like to make it part of my life again (although when it was, it was a small part).  Same for the bass, but at a much less extent.  Also, I bought a djembe - a small drum, that I want to use just for meditation and possibly inspiration for writing some actual music.

I do have a tiny acting gig lined up this summer - its for the internet series that I had a small part in last summer. Besides that, nothing else!  It's still early, though - I am hoping to get something decent this summer for the resume!

Ten years ago, the hit from U2 was perched at #1.  It would be there for 3 weeks, and spend a total of seven weeks in the Top 5.  It knocked out "Cold", by Crossfade.  What a song that was!  It DEBUTED at #1, spent 8 weeks at the top spot, then faded a couple weeks later, for a total of 10 weeks. That is a quick departure after falling out of the #1 position - I guess I was probably sick of it by then!

Someday I will have to chart the popularity of various songs and bands. "Cold" might just be the lengthiest chart presence in my Top 5 history.  I loved that song - still do, I guess.

JUNE 2015

1. "The Motherload", by Mastodon 1, 1, 4
2. "Aunt Lisa" by Mastodon 4, 2, 2
3. "Habits (Chainsmokers Remix)", by Tove Lo 2, 1, 6
4. "1000 HP", by Godsmack 3, 3, 2
5. "Mind Control", by Truckfighters 5, 4, 3

JUNE 2014

1."Bones", by Young Guns
2. "Phantom Limb", by Alice in Chains
3. "Choke", by Alice in Chains
4. "Meltdown", by Love and Death
5. "Hurricane", by MS MR

JUNE 2005

1. "Vertigo", by U2
2. "Cantilever", by The Church
3. "Somebody Told Me", by The Killers
4. "Cold", by Crossfade
5. "Lose My Breath", by Destiny's Child


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