
Showing posts from July, 2012

JULY 2012

'Sweatin' to the oldies', one might say in these dog days of summer. 'Sweatin'" was an aerobics/exercise routine from maybe 10 years ago.  Anyway, yea, this is one hot summer, and we are barely into it. Recently I completed a small part in a movie, and I acted in a play.  For the former - fun, and I was lucky enough to use the day on set to cement some acquaintanceships - well, they can't call them 'friendships' exactly, and I doubt they were 'cemented'.  but I saw movie crew I had worked with in the past. That's a good thing, because they might keep me in mind for future roles. For the latter - the play - well, that was OK. Good and bad. Mostly negative - this was a dinky play that wasn't even very good.  Some of the people were so hard to deal with. They were always stressed, curt, and's ok, it was decent acting experience, although a small role (as usual). I have an audition coming up for a one act play. ...