HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can't allow myself to ramble the same things I said in 2010 and 2011. I had a few ideas about how to express myself here, but after a glance at my 2010 and 2011 January posts, I decided to spare myself the monotony.

I'm just lonely, and living an unrewarding life. Don't preach, or give advice. I am simply a miserable person, trapped in this life. It's not my own choice, really. I would like nothing more for contentment and satisfaction, but there is something much more at play here. Who knows exactly what it is.

Well, one thing could be that I just let the world (and people) get me down. No, I don't LET that happen, but it does. "Thin-skinned" might be the proper term. So sue me, that is how I am - overly sensitive. I can't help it.

Music is everything to me. How someone can take an idea, concept, or just a casual fiddling around and create a song to me is amazing. Lately I've been interested in Tool, even though back in the day I never bought any CDs from them. I guess I heard "Sober" recently and never realized how musical it is - different parts, nicely put together. A killer bass line, an outro leaving you wanting more. I love that song.

And I love music. It's just a soundtrack to my life, as if some council of gods is watching me on a television monitor.

It would be nice to be in love, to have someone who cares, and to have someone to care for.

The world is a good place. I am lucky to live in a decent city, too. VERY decent, in fact. I need to take advantage of what it has to offer. I used to rollerblade many years ago, and it felt amazing to go down along the stadiums and see things from a vantage point you dont often see from your car. I need to find that sense of belonging again.

"Midnight City" is a song that NO ONE I know is impressed with. It's simple, but it just grabs me - that synthesizer riff, and those haunting backing vocals ("THE CITY'S MY CHU-URCH!"). I love in the video how that little girl uses telekinesis to raise that trailer - then she flings her little arms and sends the 1/2 ton vehicle crashing against the wall. That is so cool!

As most often is the case, GODSMACK appears on the previous charts. I hate "Little Lion Man", but if I remember correctly, it grew on me, and permeated my mind, and therefore was strong enough for a chart placing. I am still not tired of "Open the Door"; amazing how a 2 minute (or thereabouts) instrumental song can affect me like that. Well, it can - I am often taken by instrumentation, mood, and textures of music more than PRESENTATION where the music sucks (insert any of a large number of pop performers over the decades).

HAPPY NEW YEAR - I will be good to myself this year, not procrastinate, take on my many interests with confidence, treat others better, and live this life by appreciating the gift of being alive.

If only I can love, though...and BE in love...


1. "Open the Door", by Implodes 1, 1, 3

2. "Midnight City", by M83 -, 2, 1

3. "At the Edge", by Queensryche 5, 3, 2

4. "Horizontal Twist", by Blondie 4, 4, 2

5. "Last Name London", by Theophilus London 2, 2, 3

1. "Letter from a Thief", by Chevelle 2, 1, 7
2. "I Was a Teenage Anarchist", by Against Me! 4,2,2
3. "Snuff", by Slipknot 3,3,3
4. "Little Lion Man", by Mumford and Sons 5,4,1
5. "Good Day to Die", by Godsmack 1, 1, 6

1. "Down With the Sickness", by Disturbed
2. "Alive", by POD
3. "Greed", by Godsmack
4. "Dark Angel", by VNV Nation
5. "Sick of Life", by Godsmack


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