Here I am again. August, 2011. I can't believe I've made it to the halfway point of 2011. If you woulda asked me back in, say, 1985 that I would see the 21st century, I'd say "nah, hopefully I would kill myself long before that!". Long story short - i've stuck it out in this shitty life and im now officially middle aged.
yes, middle aged and people still treat me like a kid.
Why do I even bother waxing about it? I'm sick of hearing in my head my words here. I should just do it, for pete's sake. End it. I just don't want to destroy my parents lives. So I have to wait until they pass first. *eye roll*
I am so frustrated with everything i do, everything i try, everyone i know. I feel so alone, even amongst people with whom i SHOULDNT be alone. im a mess - its all internal. its all me.
I love "new low". blondie is back with another studio album (their ninth); this is the third since their "reunion" (which didnt inclu...