July 2018
Dog days of summer. Or dog daze...life churns on. People are dying. Uncles, aunts, a cousin or two, and loved ones of acquaintances. It's sad. People move on, things change, but not really. And slowly, you are displaced. You become older, the generation of yesterday. Your zeal wears thin. That "energy" is hard to come by at times. Your passions - weak. Your lust for life - gone. Or maybe I just feel this way because I am listening to the song from The War on Drugs. In a way, its a sad song. I have no idea - when do I ever pay attention to lyrics anymore. I just like sounds, effects, mood. What is he even singing about. What am I ranting about??? Almost mid-summer. Things, going OK. I am not thrilled to see the sun rise, but I am not dreading the new day, either. I have accepted what is, is. Or I am just being way deep tonight for some reason. I am alway...