
Showing posts from March, 2016

MARCH 2016

Just like last year, I am two weeks late for March's Top 5 entry.   I read what I wrote last  year - it makes me sad.  I haven't changed much since then. I know what it is - it's the stress of school.   I work very hard in my graduate classes (I am two months from graduating!) and its kept me from a lot of social contact.  Not that that would make me a happy person, but it helps soften my periods of depression, and gives me inner strength.  I am so busy this weekend (as I will be until this fucking class is over), so I will leave it at that. We'll see how I adjust to post-school life at the end of May!  I will be free of school and its worries for the first time in about 5 years.  And, I will be in a good living situation (the apartment), and with a job that is tolerable (for the most part)....all in all, a situation where all departments of my life are at least acceptable, for the first time since probably around 1991 - seriously, tha...