
Showing posts from November, 2016

November, 2016

Better late than never, as I lay here dying...from food asphyxiation/ other words, it's Thanksgiving night and I am questioning my existence when feeling like shit from...eating.  I mean, a basic carbon life form function, and it makes me sick (not sick like I'm vomiting, but sick as in languid, tired, sleepy but not enough to sleep). It's a holiday - pass granted.  Diet starts tomorrow! Life continues, and is going well.  I still have the doldrums, but I guess I am doing what people need to do, in lieu of marriage and having children - expand your horizons, try out different things, stay busy.  The song from 36 Crazyfists hits #1.  A band I never heard of until this song, which is about 2 years old now.  I just never tired of it, and it remained on my youtube favorites, and when I tired of other songs, "Also Am I" got closer attention.  What a simply straighforward, kick ass song. The new entry is an EDM type song.  It has a catchy, brig